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Willsborough Bowling Center Tournaments & Fundraisers

Tournaments and Fundraisers are organized and operated by individuals/groups/organizations.  WBC hosts the event.  WBC will help promote your event on our web site and Facebook page.  As well, we will post a sign up sheet in our Bowling Center.  If you would like to have a tournament/fundraiser, please contact us.


Sat, January 11 2025











Sat, February 1st, 2025




Sat, February 15th, 2025










Sat, March 1st, 2025












Sat, March 22nd, 2025



2:00 PM

5:30 PM








2:00 PM

5:30 PM




2:00 PM

5:30 PM









2:00 PM

5:30 PM





2:00 PM

5:30 PM

















































Willsborough Bowling Center











Ashley MacDougal Scholarship




E-Town - Lewis Emergency Rescue Squad









Essex County Fair















North Country Honor Flight


9 Pin (No Tap) scratch Bowling Tournament.  2 person teams.  $25/person for 3 games of bowling; includes shoe rental if needed.  Buy-A-Strike, 50/50 Raffles, and side pots.   Cash prizes of $400/200/100* based off 40 teams.  We ask bowlers to sign in and register at least 30 minutes prior to their shift for lane assignment.  Sign up sheets now posted at WBC.


3rd Annual Ashley MacDougal Memorial 9 Pin (No Tap) scratch Bowling Tournament.  2 person teams, $25/person or $50/team for 3 games of bowling (shoe rental included if needed).  Buy-A-Strike, Chinese Auction, 50/50 raffles, hot dogs, michigans, and t-shirts for sale.  Cash prizes of $250/150/100 for highest series first thru third place.  Registration/Sign up sheet will be posted mid December 2024.  We ask all bowlers to be present at least 30 minutes prior to check in and get lanes assigned.  All Proceeds to benefit the Ashley MacDougal Scholarship fund.  Contact Clayton Cross for lane sponsorships.  Thanks.

5th E-Town/Lewis Emergency Squad 9 Pin (No Tap) scratch Bowling Tournament.  2 person teams.  $25/person for 3 games of bowling; includes shoe rental if needed.  Buy-A-Strike, 50/50 Raffles, and side pots.   Cash prizes for first thru third place.  To sponsor a lane, contact Aimee Gumlaw.  Sign up sheet will be posted Early January 2025.  We ask bowlers to sign in and register at least 30 minutes prior to their shift for lane assignment. 

4th Annual Essex County Fair 9 Pin (No Tap) scratch Bowling Tournament.  2 person teams, $25/person or $50/team for 3 games of bowling (shoe rental included if needed).  Buy-A-Strike, Chinese Auction, 50/50 raffles, and hot dogs/michigans for sale.  Cash prizes for highest series first thru third place.  Registration/Sign up sheet will be posted mid January 2025.  We ask all bowlers to be present at least 30 minutes prior to check in and get lanes assigned.  All Proceeds to benefit the Essex County Fair.  Contact Holly Hathaway for lane sponsorships.  Thanks.




9 Pin (No Tap) scratch Bowling Tournament.  2 person teams.  $25/person for 3 games of bowling; includes shoe rental if needed.  Buy-A-Strike, 50/50 Raffles, and side pots. 

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