Bob Perry
WBC Bowling
Willsboro bowling strike
Bob Perry
Ten Pin Bowling on eight wood lanes.
Brunswick A-2 Pinsetters.
Changeable Panel Masking Units.
Brunswick Gold Crown Surface Ball Returns.
Brunswick Bankshot Gutters & Bumpers.
Steltronic Scoring System (Wins 6.1).
Bowling League Secretary 2024 Auto Score
Kegel Kustodian ION lane conditioner.
ZOT Gloss Boss Ball Polisher.
Cosmic Bowling available.
Wheelchair accessible.
Air Conditioning.
BPAA and NYSBPA Member.
Click here to read our Safety and House Rules.
Bowling Rates:
Open Bowling:
$5.00 per game
$4.25 per game senior 60+
$4.00 WBC league member rate
Cosmic Bowling:
$5.50 per game
$4.50 per game senior 60+
$4.25 WBC league member rate
Shoe Rental:
$3.00 per person
$2.00 senior 60+
$1.00 WBC league member rental
Red Pin Fridays
$12.00* for 3 games/person
Cosmic Saturdays
9 pm to 12 am
$14.00* all you can bowl/person
Extra Frames (practice) $0.50 each.
*Rates include shoe rental
$15 Locker Rental/Year**
** Payment due by September **
$25 Lane rental per hour with a maximum of 5 persons per lane.
Hours Of Operation:
Monday 5:30 pm to 10:00 pm **
WBC Mixed 9 Pin Bowling League
Valley Vending Dart League
Tuesday CLOSED
Wednesday 5:30 pm to 10:00 pm
Champlain Valley Men's Bowling League
Thursday 5:30 pm to 10:00 pm
Boquet Valley Women's Bowling League
Saturday 6:00 pm to 12:00 am *
Open Bowling
Sunday CLOSED *
* Closing hours depends on amount of Open Bowling.
** Open every Monday from mid Oct thru Mid Dec, Mid Feb thru Mid April, and early June thru early August. Other times only open when our Dart team(s) has a home game.
Check out our events Calendar or Announcements page to see what events are taking place, and when we are closed due to holidays, private parties, and Center maintenance.
For upcoming Tournaments/Fundraisers, please Click Here.